Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Front Yard

So, we've been racking our brains as to how to salvage/change our front yard. It may have looked great when it was originally planted but it wasn't planned very well. Lots of crowding and overgrowth and lot of ground cover that ended up looking like weeds. So...we ripped it out! Lots of stuff - gone! If anyone needs a non blooming rhodedendron that took no effort to pull out, it's sitting by the side of our garage. It looks so much better now. Much cleaner and manageable. We're going to replant but we're trying to figure out what. Also, WE BOUGHT A ROCK! That's right, I said it. BOUGHT a rock. Growing up, we had more rocks than we knew what to do with, in fact, for a while we were sent out to 'pick rocks'. Good times. Well, I thought a boulder would be a nice addition to the yard and so we went and picked one out. 858 lbs later - we had a rock. Nice timing with the tractor too and Josh was able to place it perfectly sparing my far too few tulips that are just starting to bloom. He did a great job. Of course when we saw the shape of the rock, we knew Megan would love to make it a seat as she does anything little and low enough.

The mailman just left and she had to blow him a kiss goodbye.
Sniffing our far too many daffodils.By these pictures, you may have thought we got ourselves some cats. No, we didn't.


Danielle said...

She is so stinkin' cute!

Anonymous said...

I know I am bias, but she is so freaking cute! You do such a good job taking pictures and sharing them with us! I love how she had to blow the mailman a kiss. I can just hear her...Muah! Too cute!

Miss Whats-her-name said...

When will she come see me in Arizona? We have lots of water and pools here for her to hang out in!