Monday, July 06, 2009

Memorial Park

Last week we met Sheila, Natalie and Harrison in Wilsonville to play in the water. As expected, once Megan saw the playground, all she wanted to do was swing. Maybe her baby swing soothing backfired on us. Megan always points out little girls with ponytails and says, "Natalie?" so we put ponytails in her hair that day so that she could look like her. She thought it was pretty fun! It was a beautiful day and it's always fun for Mommy to get together with her friend Sheila too! I just can't tell you how appreciative I am that Billie invited me to the mom's group and I finally tried it out. I've found two great friendships that never would have happened if I hadn't gone. It got me through Megan's first year to hear other moms going through stuff I thought I was alone in and I found two great friends - Sheila and Danielle. Luckily our kids love eachother too!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I'm so glad that we met, too! I've heard a lot about that park, but have never ventured out to actually find it...maybe we can meet up there sometime!