Sunday, April 08, 2007

Megan's First Easter

We went to Grandma and Grandpa's house for Easter dinner on Saturday since I had to work on Sunday. Megan was all dressed up in her Easter dress and looked really cute. As if I need to keep saying how cute she is. She's having some separation anxiety issues right now so sometimes she won't go to anyone but Josh or me. A little frustrating to us and all of her family that want to play with her and hold her.

Megan playing with Daddy.

"Look at me!"

Grandma and Megan (and froggie).

Megan thought her shoes were pretty interesting. She tried to eat them just like everything else these days.

Mommy and Megan.

Playing with the Easter eggs.

Megan's first Easter basket.

She got a stuffed bunny, her first John Deere tractor with a little girl driver and cow, and those big beads that we all grew up with. They still have them! I mean, the Easter Bunny still gives them out.

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