Monday, October 22, 2007

Happy Birthday Megan!

Well, the birthday weekend is over. She doesn't actually turn one until tomorrow but we got her birthday parties all out of the way this weekend. We had one at my parents' house for all of my family and friends on that side of town on Saturday and one at our house on Sunday for all of our friends and family our side of town. Megan was such a good girl through all of the festivities. She was pretty cute with her cake. She didn't eat a whole lot of it, I think she got too much icing at first and was overwhelmed a bit. She didn't really care to open her presents. She was more interested in the paper of course.

Crashed out. She was so good all day long and then when it was was over. She was out like a light!

So then Sunday came along and it was time for a whole new party! She probably started to wonder if this was going to be an everyday thing!

Josh got into decorating her cupcakes. He did most of them and they turned out really cute!
And while we were busy trying to get ready, Megan got into everything including this ribbon she pulled off the counter.
Here's her Sunday cake!
Lesly and Megan, Princesses.
Here's Henley trying out the zebra. That is by far the most popular gift! I know Aunt Tami is proud!
Cake Time! She ate a lot more on Sunday than she did on Saturday. I scraped a bit of the icing away so that she could actually get some cake. She piled it in. Mommy's girl.

Daddy helped with presents this time. She got a lot of books and games.
And from Grandma Schwartz......Her first $50 bill!
When the party was over, I had to be the one to rock her. I wanted to cuddle with my little baby who isn't all that little anymore! She crashed again. Two BIG days for a little girl!
Thank you to everyone that came to her parties. She is really very lucky to have all of her friends and family love her so much! We sure do!


Danielle said...

Happy First Birthday, Princess Megan! Love, Danielle and Jace

Anonymous said...

Sweet Megan...Can't believe you're a year old. Doesn't seem like that long ago that we were all waiting in the hospital room for you to make your appearance!! You sure are a sweet little girl. Love you to pieces! Love, Aunt Tami