Monday, May 12, 2008

While Daddy's away.....

I've been racking my brain on ways to entertain Megan while Josh is gone. It's not as easy to keep her home all day when he doesn't come home after work to help out! We had a busy day on Saturday. First we went to the World's Largest Yard Sale at the Washington County Fairgrounds. Nothing real exciting there except they did have a little 'petting zoo' a.k.a. goats inside field fencing. After that we went to the Hillsboro Farmer's Market. I started going last year and love it! They have all sorts of arts. crafts, food, plants, fresh fruit and veggies and lots of flowers. It's fun to be outside and walk around. Then we went to Coastal Farm and Ranch where for a few hours they were doing a kids planting event. Megan got to plant her own flowers in a pot and she gave them to Grandma for Mother's Day. Pretty cute. And this was all before noon.
Here are the pictures of the petting zoo. Megan loves all things furry.


Danielle said...

I almost called you to see if you were going to that thing at the Fairgrounds. Souned interesting - guess next time I should call!

Anonymous said...

I love how lovey Megan is, and how she hugs with her head/face. It is so precious!!!!