Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy Birthday "Elly"!

Tami hosted a birthday party for Kelly on Friday night. I'm not sure who but someone decided that it would be "fun" to dress up. So there's your answer as to why we're all so beautiful. :) While it was Kelly's party, of course most of the pictures were of Megan. She is such a ham.
Kelly and Jon

Getting cuddly with Aunt Elly
This is Kelly's friend Robbie. Can you say flirt?

She's got her mommy's belly......

Kelly's loot; an Architecture book and a set of plates for her kitchen


Danielle said...

She's so stylish! I love the picture of you two. So cute. And I love the head tilt!

Tami said...

excuse me but it was not "fun"! it was FUN!