Saturday, April 11, 2009

Coloring Easter Eggs

We finally pulled out the Easter Egg colors last night and let Megan go to town. It seems like yesterday that we were doing it with her last year. I can't believe how much she's changed. She had a great time and her hands are still blue!

Yeah! She kept saying, "Good job, Megan!"

Josh sticks his tongue out when he's concentrating. I think this might be her concentration face!

If you ask Megan to smile, she does her cheesy face. If you ask her to smile "pretty" she tilts her head to the left WITH her cheesy face.

This was when I was telling Josh that we should just continue dyeing her legs so that she wouldn't have to wear tights to Easter dinner. So she thought she would help by sticking her foot in.


Danielle said...

Cute pictures! You are so brave - we skipped the eggs again this year!

Anonymous said...

I love her dropping them in the cups and saying yeah! ~stacy