Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween Time!

It has been crazy busy around here and can you believe that we never made it to the pumpkin patch?  Well not the real exciting, lots of activities kind of pumpkin patch.  Yeah, major mom guilt going on here.  Because we all know how neglected our child is.  One day when I was picking Megan up from my mom's house, I was trying to hurry her out the door so I told her that if we left soon we might have time to pick out a pumpkin.  Well it didn't seem to work but as soon as we turned onto Scholls Sherwood by Gramma's Place, she said, "Mama, I pick a pumpkin please?"  So we stopped briefly, got a couple of pumpkin pictures.  Again, I had to tell her that we needed to get going if we were going to have time to carve the pumpkin after dinner.  She said, "No, I paint the pumpkin." I said, "Oh, that's a good idea."  She said, "Yeah.  I smart." And there you have it.

I'll have to admit, our trip wasn't all that fun for her.  The whole time I was telling her NOT to splash or step in the puddles.  Brand new white tennies are not great pumpkin patch shoes!  She wanted to carry her own pumpkin too, which she did quite well.

I was surprised to find out she was lugging around a 10 pound pumpkin!  That's a 1/4 of her body weight.  That's like me carrying.....oh nevermind.

While I made dinner that night Megan got to paint her pumpkin which started out to be a delicate process.

And then she realized that finger painting was much more fun.

Here's our little Dorothy getting ready for trick or treating.  She's carrying her new Woody doll that she got at the mall yesterday.  We took her to get her 3 year old pictures and I told her that if she was really good and did what we asked, she might get a special surprise.  I was mostly concerned about her letting me put on a hat that I wanted her to wear for her pictures.  I didn't want a fight so I turned to bribery.  She did even better than we expected and took some really cute pictures.  She did everything the photographer asked.  And we got the photographer that we like best there without even having to ask.  He seems to get the best reactions out of her.  I'm excited to pick them up next week!

My parents and Tami and Kelly came over to trick or treat with Megan.  We just went to downtown Forest Grove like we did last year.  We were only out for about 45 minutes but she got quite a full bucket of treats!  The costumes this year were a lot more unique than I've ever seen.  One little kid had a sandwich board on that was designed to look like an iPhone.

After every treat, she had to look in her bucket to see what she got.

After trick or treating it was time for the Duck game.  We came home and had dinner and dessert while we watched the Ducks beat USC!  GOOOOOOO DUCKS!


Miss Whats-her-name said...

Looks like a really fun day with the family! She sure is precious!

Shar said...

We sure did have fun! No rain, beautiful leaves everywhere,and a excited little 3 year olds face to watch as she seemed to discover new
things around every corner. Then a
warm yummy meal waiting for us all back at Megan's house. Good job Mom
everything was just great!!!!!!!!!!

Tami said...

Wow, 10lb pumpkin! My strong!