Monday, November 09, 2009

There's a First for Everything!

We made it 3 years......not one story of a baby/toddler vomiting passed me by without me knocking on wood.  I was dreading every part of it, as you can imagine but it went as well as it possibly could have!  A couple of hours before bedtime on Saturday night Megan told us her tummy was sick.  She's said it before without any "results" so she just cuddled with me and I rubbed her belly before she went to bed.  About an hour later she woke up and Josh went in to see her.  She again told him that her tummy was sick so he gave her a bit of water and she laid back down.  Well, only about 10 minutes later she was up again.  Just as I was about to the door she screamed and I had a feeling of what I was about to walk into.  She was a little scared but I just kept telling her that it was okay to feel sick and it's okay to throw up.  She kept saying, "I spit in my bed."  I took her into the bathtub and we started the process of cleaning up.  I had her and Josh had the bed.  She was such a trooper, I'm sure it's scary to a little girl to wonder what the heck was going on.  I just kept telling her it was okay and that mommy and daddy have to do it too sometimes.  We took a shower together to clean up and then we rocked and she was better.  While we were in the bathroom, she said, "I talk to my Gamma please?" "Make me feel better?"  It was late but we made a call to Gamma and Megan told her the story.  It's so wierd but I was so proud of her for being so brave.  She didn't freak out on us like she could have.  I felt so bad knowing she didn't feel good but she was so sweet about it.  She really does have her moments!


Danielle said...

I wish I handled it so well - good job, Megan! Hope that her tummy feels better today.

Miss Whats-her-name said...

Such a smart little girl! Sorry she got sick, is she still sick?

Anonymous said...

She is a sweet baby girl. Good job Mom and Dad!! I loved that she wanted to call me.