Thursday, February 03, 2011

Joshua is 6 Months Old Today

I just can't even believe that Joshua is 6 months old.  Babies have been born all around us since he was born and I forget how small he used to be and how big he is now.  He is getting to be so fun though, he has a little laugh, he smiles all of the time, he rolls all over the floor to get to where he wants to go.  He also loves the Exersaucer that we were lucky enough to borrow from friends.  He has had 2 teeth officially pop all of the way through the gums and therefore officially become a "biter".  He loves Megan so much, she can get him cracking up at all of her dancing and jumping around.  He is just a sweet, sweet baby and loves to cuddle his mama.  He is a major mama's boy which has gotten to be a little overwhelming at times when he won't have anything to do with anyone but me but I'm sure he'll out grow that faster than I know and then I'll be sad!  So I probably shouldn't complain.  You can also see his new little haircut better in these pictures.  Oh I love him!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I totally thought I commented on your new posts when I read them awhile ago, but I see that I didn't. :o) Just wanted to let you know I check in (even if I don't comment) and love your blog! And I love your adorable children, too.