Thursday, November 15, 2007

Megan is Walking!

For all of you that guessed 13 months - you were right!
She's not completely walking everywhere, she still depends on her crawling skills but she's practicing a lot. It's pretty funny. Sometime she'll start walking by herself and then look at us to see if we're looking, in which case we have to clap and say "Yeah! You're such a big girl!" And she grins really big. I would say about seven is the most steps she's taken and lots of stuff in between.


Danielle said...

Yay, Megan!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!! How exciting, and how stinkin cute! Good job Megan! xoxo

Anonymous said...

oops...I didnt sign that the last comment was from me..hehe. the 2:16 pm one...thats me, hehe. xoxo Candy

Anonymous said...

You are the cutest mommy ever Kristie.

Miss Whats-her-name said...

I finally watched the video, she is so funny dragging those chubby legs with her! I can't wait to hug her!