Monday, November 05, 2007

Pumpkin Guts

So, I thought I had a great plan. Instead of taking Megan trick or treating which she wouldn't understand anyway, I thought we'd open up a pumpkin and let her play in all of the guts and she'd have a grand old time. Well, she didn't really want anything to do with it. We got her naked, plopped her by the pumpkin and tried to get her interested. I'm not sure if she was scared or if the guts were too cold or what but she didn't enjoy it as you can tell in one of the last pictures. She was done after about 5 minutes and then it was bathtime.


Anonymous said...

That is the most precious face ever in that last picture of her in your lap! She could not be any cuter!

Danielle said...

Jace didn't like pumpkin guts either. At least you got some cute pictures out of it!