Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lesly's Latest Update


Hi All,
We got the pathology results back yesterday and the tumor is Neuroblastoma. Life sucks right now! That means if she can get well enough to get out of ICU then chemo and radiation. She is out of school now for most likely 3-4 months, if she makes back at all. We had to put her back on the vent this morning as her lungs are just not getting better at the rate that they would like. They also think that the fevers that she keeps hitting every day are because of something in her lungs. I am trying to have a good attitude about all of this but all we have read about Neuroblastoma relapses are the odds are worse than when she had it the first time. But she beat the odds that time so we are hoping that she can do it again. I will be sending out fewer updates as it is getting to hard to write these now. I will send out something if we have any major changes. If any of you do not want updates please let me know and I won’t send them out, or if in the interim you want to know anything let me know and I will try to respond.

Thank you all and keep praying for her

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