Saturday, March 29, 2008

Locks of Love

With all the stuff going on with Lesly, I've been trying to rack my brain on ways I can help. Depending on the treatment they decide on, she could possibly lose her hair...again! That made me think of the massive amount of hair that I have that I find quite annoying and complain about all the time. So I thought, why not put it to good use! My cousin Trisha did the cutting and here's what it looks like now. We got two ponytails about 12 inches long and thick enough for TWO people it seems like. No person should have that much hair! Anyway, I love the new cut and it's so easy to do. Thanks to my pregnancy, my hair is really naturally curly now. I think you can call me a "Wash n' Go Girl!"


Danielle said...

Can't wai to see it in person!

waibelfamily said...

It is soooooooooo cute! And so wonderful that you did it for the reason you did. I cant wait to see it in person soon. I love the color too!

Anonymous said...

Cute Hair! And where have you gone??