Saturday, January 10, 2009


I'm not sure when or what my last post said about Lesly. I think I've updated everyone to the fact that Lesly had a scan in November that showed that a tumor was growing again. They went through an insurance nightmare to have an experimental drug be used to treat her. Waiting, waiting and waiting, they got scans back to see whether or not the drug was working. They found out 2 days ago that no, it has not and the the tumor has doubled in size since the treatment started. Right now they have very few options. They can choose to operate but given the vicinity to her spine and one remaining kidney, it adds even more risk to her already compromised and weak body. She had an extremely difficult time recovering from her last surgery in February.
So this weekend that are having a talk with Lesly that no parent should ever have to have. They must talk about what Lesly would like to do and how she would like to continue, with or without treatment. She is eight. Eight.


Danielle said...

I can't even imagine.

waibelfamily said...

Oh my gosh that breaks my heart. I cant even imagine the pain they are feeling in their hearts. Your blog made me cry, and I dont even know them. I pray that whatever the talk brings, they make it through everything as well as they can..if thats possible given what they are going through. What an amazing little girl and family, we'll keep them in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

We continue to pray for healing for Lesly. We know she will be but
know not if it will be on this earth or not.Our hearts break for the whole family and the pain and
suffering that engulfs their very being. We need to "trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding". We will continue to pray for healing, peace, comfort, strenth & mercy.