Thursday, March 12, 2009

Back to the Zoo!

We bought a zoo membership the last time we went so I want to make sure we get our money out of it! We invited Billie, Jaxon and Gabriel to meet us there today. I was a little hesitant when it was only 30 degrees when we woke up this morning. It was in the 40s when we got there and the 50s when we left. We bundled up and stay pretty warm though. When Megan woke up this morning, I went into her room and asked her if she wanted to go to the zoo. She gasped and said, "Yeah!!!!" and jumped up and down in her bed. She was talking about it all morning until we actually left. We got to see all of the animals. The last couple of times we've gone, they've all been out to see. Its so much more fun that way!
Jaxon and Megan looking at the duckies together.
The first thing we saw were the sea lions. They were being fed and doing tricks. I've never seen that at this zoo!
All of the monkeys (okay chimpanzees - I think) were enjoying the sun, except the one with the sweatshirt. Maybe he was trying to block the bright light!
This elephant was inside and it made you realize how enormous they are when they are so close! He also did a little trick when he got fed some hay. He knealed down on his front legs.
After we had our lunch, Jaxon and Megan enjoyed running around on the grass and then on the animal statues.
Megan LOVES elephants. Here she is kissing the statue.

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