Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dream Come True

Lesly is taking horse lessons every Sunday. Megan has been invited to come watch but until today, she hasn't gotten the chance. Well, she did go with Kathy, Glen and Lesly one time to visit the horses and she still talks about how she got to feed them apples. Last night when we put Megan to bed, we told her that she would be able to see the horses with Lesly tomorrow. And of course that was one of the first things she asked about when she woke up this morning. I had school today so Josh and Megan went to the barn to watch Lesly's lesson and Megan's dream came true, she got to ride the horsey too! She is very comfortable on the horse and loves every minute of it. I asked Josh to ask them about lessons for her, how much and when she could start. I didn't say she was GOING to, just asking about it. We know full well that if she starts lessons, she will someday think that she might need a horse of her very own! Not to mention all that goes with that. The trainer said that she actually could start lessons but because of her age and bone development they would only be about 30 minutes, only half of which would be actually riding. The rest would be grooming and taking care of the horse. I can't imagine a cuter thing but we'll definitely have to think about it.


waibelfamily said...

How cute!

Danielle said...

Way to go, Megan! You look like a natural!

Anonymous said...

So they would charge $12.50 for 30 minutes? That would be a fun treat a couple times/month. I bet Grandpa and T would pay for them.