Saturday, March 21, 2009

Oregon Gymnastics Academy

A friend told me about this place. I thought Megan would love it and I was right. It was a little chaotic, lots of kids running around and lots of demands to share and take turns which didn't go over so well with a lot of them including Miss Megan. It's hard to teach your child to share and take turns when the mom next to you isn't requiring the same of their child that just cut in line. We both got a bit frustrated, her more so than me. We ended up leaving early because it turned into a meltdown, all the way home. Maybe we'll go back when she has more of a concept of taking turns and sharing. She just learned the words "mine" and "Megan turn" which doesn't always work to our benefit! But here are the cute pictures I got. They also had big trampolines and a foam pit the kids could jump in and a spring floor. I always loved those when I had a brief time in gymnastics classes.


waibelfamily said...

Looks fun! Where is this?

Anonymous said...

She is so cute!