Monday, September 21, 2009

Vacations Continued....on to Seaside

Before we had plans to go to Mexico or Hawaii we had made plans to spend about a week in Seaside to use up the rest of our timeshare credits. We showed up a day late but we still made it there at 1 a.m. the night we flew back from Hawaii. Megan didn't sleep the whole way there as we had planned or figured she would do. She was very tired when we got there and slept till about 10 a.m. the next day which was very nice! We spent the day as a family going to breakfast, trying to fly her kite on the beach, swimming in the pool and playing in the arcade. She was so excited to fly her kite but there was very little wind so we had to do some running with it to get it up in the air. She thought that was fun, following along after Josh and me.
Megan was also very excited to sleep in the "big girl" bed the first night anyway. After that she wanted to sleep in our bed, kings come in handy that way. We tried another potty training bribe. This kid has racked up a bike and a big girl bed if she would only go on the toilet!

I love this picture. They are even in step with eachother.
So excited to fly her kite!

Finally got it in the air for a short time anyway.
Distracted by the sand.

Oregon beach sun......quite different from Hawaii but still pretty.

Megan playing Guitar Hero at the arcade.
Look at that cute little bottom on the motorcycle.
Getting to kick the soccer ball, one of her new favorite games, don't worry we'll get her out of it.
The next day, Kelly and my mom came out to spend some time with all of us and then they took Megan back to Tualatin with them. While they were with us we took Megan to ride the carousel and Kelly shared a caramel apple with her. The wind had also picked up quite a bit so we got the kite out again and had a much easier time flying it.

The kite was up pretty high, we told her she had to hang on otherwise it would have been long gone before we could do anything about it. She held on tight.

When Megan went home with Grandma, Josh and I got some alone time together. Sort of, I laid around in bed watching a tv marathon while he watched something in the family room and then I went and saw a chick flick while he watched football. The next day we had to check out!

We went home before picking Megan up and I finally got the news I had been waiting for since August 21! I passed my state board exams and got my Esthetician's license!!


Danielle said...

It has been SO long since I've flown a kite - looks like fun! And it looks like you might have a little beach bum on your hands! Hopefully we can make a trip down there together next sunny season.

Danielle said...

Oh yes, and congratulations on passing the boards! I'm so happy for you!