Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Easter Time

Rather than make everyone wait even longer for my Easter update, I'm just going to post the pictures that have been waiting and do a quick commentary.  We colored eggs with Kelly, Jon and Grandma and Papa.  I boiled FIVE dozen eggs.  Fun was had by all....or maybe not by looking at Jon's forced expressions.  But Megan loved to have him there....and Kelly too of course.  We went to a friend's church for our Easter Egg hunt this year.  It was jam packed with eggs filled to the brim with lots and lots of candy.  And it wasn't the cheap kind of candy - CHOCOLATE candy!  Megan was on the upper end of the little kid's age bracket and therefore she did very well for herself against all of the little toddlers.  Don't worry, there was enough for everyone!  We didn't get many pictures of Easter day, Joshua's first Easter but what's new at this point.  He also left a bunch of candy for Megan and some eggs for Mister.

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