Monday, August 03, 2009

Date Night

I don't have any pictures but what I do have is an amazing husband. I finally graduated from school on Thursday night and my sister Tami (and helpers) took Megan overnight so that Josh could meet me and go out to celebrate. She ended up staying two nights so we had Thursday and Friday nights to ourselves. I woke up Friday to a pig sty of a house, a list a mile long of things to do and I did NONE of them. That's the problem with Megan being gone, I end up doing nothing! It was very relaxing though. I picked up Josh from work and we went to his new favorite salt water fish store. I think he wanted me to have an idea of what he's talking about and what he's interested in. It was fun to see all of the colorful fish and all of the other things you can put in the tank. After that I had the genius idea to go to Lloyd Center and have dinner at Stanford's Happy Hour. Unfortunately the parking situation was not helpful and we couldn't find a seat once we got in there. We ended up just eating at the little 50s diner they have in the mall. We came home and Josh changed and we headed to the Washington County Fair. We thought it would be fun to walk around and look at stuff without a toddler in tow. I'm not sure what the deal was but there really wasn't anything to look at this year. Usually we're interested in something but it seemed like this year, if you didn't need new windows on your house, there wasn't anything for you. That was a little disapointing. So after a quick trip there we went back home and walked down the street to the new bar and grill that opened. We had a couple of drinks, came home and watched a movie. The next day we went and picked up Megan from Tami and drove to Vernonia for a birthday party (next post).
I'm so proud of Josh and to say that he is my husband. Not a day goes by that I don't realize how lucky I am to have him. He is my best friend and I love getting to spend one on one time with him. The one guy that was in my clas was telling us about how he adn his wife haven't been able to have a "normal" marriage because they got married in the middle of our program. Well, let me tell you.......married a month and a half and then pregnant and then baby. It's all we know! We will cherish the years of our kids growing up but I think "empty nest" will just be date after date nights!

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