Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Megan's First Sleepover

Megan had her first sleepover with her best little girlfriend Lexi.  They had quite the evening.  I picked them both up from school and they were just gabbing little girls the rest of the night.  They had pizza for dinner and got to make hot fudge sundaes for dessert.  We set up the air mattress in the living room for them and they watched a movie in bed.  While they were supposed to be "calming down" we heard lots of giggling, dancing and jumping around instead.  Finally around 10:00, the movie was over and it was time to shut it down!  I heard a strange noise in the middle of the night and went out to find Lexi snoring next to Megan, both completely passed out!  It was so cute!  They had such a great time!  Megan had quite the meltdown the next day I think in anticipation of Lexi having to go home.  She did stay with us until around 1:00 or so, so they got some extra play time. I don't think either of them can wait for the next time!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

How cute! We have been discussing what age to do sleepovers...I guess maybe it's 5? Sure looks like they had fun!