Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Running Season Has Begun....for Some of Us.

Our first race was the Shamrock Run on March 18.  We signed up for the 8k and Josh and Kathy did a great job!  It was so cold, rainy and miserable but they did it!  I was very bummed out not to be able to run it with them, it was going to be Josh and my first big downtown race and I wanted that tshirt BAD!  Unfortunately at the beginning of the month I injured my foot and had to sit this one out, along with my boot camp and everything else I've been doing.  It has been seriously frustrating.  I finally got into the podiatrist and his best guess is a cuboid stress fracture.  After seeing him yesterday and how it is feeling these days, with the pain moving/changing, he's not real sure what it is.  So, now I have to keep waiting, at least another month before I start walking and then running again.  Somehow I'm going to have to learn how to swim without the sputtering and scaring the lifeguards and find a bike on Craigslist so that at least I can start moving.  That's the plan for now. But...CONGRATS to the finishers Josh and Kathy!  I hope to be back out there with you sooner than later!

 (Wish I had a better picture of Kathy!)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

We have bikes. Nice ones that are collecting dust in the garage and probably have flat tires by now. Maybe we can take up the hobby of riding bikes together? Would be fun!