Monday, September 17, 2012

Megan's First Soccer Game

Megan has started soccer again and the best thing about it is that she loves it and we also love it.  We had her on a team last year but the age gap of the players was too large and it just wasn't a good experience for her.  This year she is on a team with 4-6 year olds and it is perfect.  Her coach is very good with the kids and has way more patience than I have! During the games, they split the kids in half so that more aggressive kids are playing equally agressive kids on the other team.  It's a great way to do it, especially after what we saw on the last team.  It really does help to create a successful experience for all of the kids.  Megan has done really well and her comfort with the ball already is a trait I definitely did not give her.  Soccer was for sure not my sport.  You can tell what a great time she is having by looking at her face, she is constantly smiling even when running hard after the ball.  I'm so proud of her and her athleticism.  I know I'm biased but she is AMAZING!
And this little guy has to be the proudest little brother!

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