Monday, January 07, 2008

Bonks and more Bonks

On Christmas Eve Megan took a dive into the coffee table. Of course she immediately began screaming and I started crying too! She caught her left cheek bone pretty good on the edge of the table. After a binkie and some cuddle time with mom she recovered. She didn't get a bruise until a couple of days later which was wierd. Just a little greenish yellow one on her cheek.

Then last night a BIGGER bonk-a-bonk! She hit the table right on the corner with her right cheek. Josh and I thought for sure there would be blood but there wasn't. But she did immediately get a purple bruise showing how her cheek dragged down the corner of the table. This time she needed a binkie, cuddling AND milk. I tried to take some pictures of it but it didn't show as well in the pictures as it is in real life. But she's cute anyway, so I'll post them!

On a happier note Megan has become the smartest baby in the world! Just kidding but she did recently kick into high gear with her signing. All of the sudden she signs 'please' and 'eat' and 'more'. I haven't worked with her a whole lot on signing but when I started doing those signs she caught on right away. So now she tells us when she is hungry and when she tells us, there is no messing around, she is hungry NOW!

And following in Jace's footsteps, she now tells everyone she's 'SO BIG!'

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Yay, Megan! We'll have to get together soon so you and Jace can sign and ride your quads!