Wednesday, January 16, 2008

New things everyday

Megan continually amazes us. She really doesn't have to do much to impress us, we're pretty easily entertained by her. I think every night before we go to bed I tell Josh something that she did today that made me smile or laugh and he laughs as hard as I did even without seeing her because he can just picture it. Then if I've been at work he does the same with me. I think we say, "Yeah, she's pretty cute," at least 5 times a day.

About a week ago she started blinking. We were eating dinner one night and I blinked at her and she did it back to my amazement. It was like, wow, she can connect the facts that she has eyes like me and knows how to control them just like me. Silly I know but it makes you realize that babies are learning so much everyday and know more than you realize. I was still wondering if she knew the baby in the mirror is her.

We recently moved all of her toys into her bedroom. They were overwhelming my bookshelves in the family room and just cluttered everything. So now I can actually use them for books again.....someday.....when she won't pull them down and rip them apart. Things to look forward to! Anyway, now Megan will go into her room and play by herself and for some reason, prefers the door to be shut. We keep opening it and she keeps shutting it. There isn't anything in there for her to hurt herself on and nothing for her to destroy, well, that isn't put-back-together-able. (new word) So if she wants her independence, she can have it! We just check in on her every once in awhile and she lets us know when she wants out with a scream. That lovely scream. It's much easier for me now to get things done though, like this blog! Maybe some housework if I get really motivated!


Anonymous said...

so freaking cute!

Danielle said...

Megan is too funny! I can just picture her shutting the door.

Blogging beats housework, hands down!

waibelfamily said...

How stinkin cute is she!!?? They all keep growing up on us, whats up with that? :)