Friday, January 18, 2008

Still more bonks

So I wasn't going to post this but now I'm going to to explain the bruise on Megan's forehead. Not even an hour back from our trip, we went to dinner with my parents and Megan bonked her head in the Applebees waiting area....on the tile floor. It immediately turned purple and swelled to a nice egg. The colors have gradually gone to green, then yellow. Now, as most of you know, Megan has quite the temper. If things are not going her way, she will let you know. Lately her method of madness has been to bang her head....on anything. The floor, the wall, the table, you - if you're in her way. Well, today was no different. I think she is teething more molars and she was fussy all day long and extra short tempered. We have very little carpet in the house so more often than not, she bangs her head on a hard floor. She must have hit that spot just right because it went right back to purple and swollen. It's going to take forever to heal! Here are a couple of bathtime pics that show off the bruise a little.

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