Friday, August 22, 2008

Back to the Usual

Well, we've been back in Oregon for a week now. We've pretty much gotten back to normal, back to work, back to life. Megan is still on Alaska time in terms of her sleeping. She's been going to sleep around 10:00 and not waking up till about 10:00 which for her parents who love their sleep, are very satisfied with. We used to think it was nice to have some time after she went to bed for some adult time but now I love for her to still be awake when I get home from work and then be able to sleep in in the morning! That means that she is down to one nap a day in the late afternoon which seems to be working just fine for her.

Just in the last few weeks, she has added several new words to her vocabulary. She is getting so big and we are as of tomorrow on the 2 month countdown to her 2nd birthday! It seems so unreal!! A couple of new things she is doing are really cute. She has started to say "Dada" whenever she sees a big truck even closely resembling Josh's truck. Then last night when he was gone, she kept calling for him to come home. "Dada, Dada". Then she started slapping her leg like we do with the dogs to get them to come. How funny is that!?!

There is also something new with me. As of September 14, I will be a student again! I'm going to school to be a licensed esthetician. I'm really excited about it and I can't wait to start. I can't wait to say that I am something OTHER than a waitress! I'll be in school until July, graduation date is July 30th so it's 11 months long but hopefully it will go by fast. I'll be in class on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights and then every other Sunday. I'll still work a couple of shifts a week and selling Pampered Chef. I'm definitely going to be busy but it's only 11 months and at the end of the time, I will have a skill!! Yeah for me!


Danielle said...

Welcome home and congratulations on your new endeavor (and Megan's new sleeping patter!).

Miss Whats-her-name said...

I'm so happy you are starting school. The 11 months will go by very quickly. Kiss Megan for me.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that she was tricked into saying Tami!!!! :)