Sunday, August 03, 2008

Welcome to Nome!

We finally made it to Nome!  We left on Thursday night at 7:30 and flew to Seattle.  Megan did pretty well on that 25 minute flight and then we had to switch planes.  Of course our gate was changed twice and our flight was delayed an hour.  We went to the first gate, were told to go to another.  When we got there we were told to go to another and it would require a TRAIN ride to get to that specific terminal!  Soooooo......we made it to the plane and began our flight to Anchorage.  We decided that we would "encourage" Megan to sleep on the flights by giving her some Benadryl and we did so before the flight in Seattle.  By the time we got on the plane to Anchorage, we were very tired and Megan was very not.  We think there was just so many new things to look at, she was completely not interested in sleeping.  So, after fighting her for awhile, we brought out our reinforcements and she colored, watched some Barney and found her brand new My Little Pony in her backpack.  Then, all of the sudden, MELTDOWN!  She screamed and screamed and STRESSED US OUT.  I grabbed her and took her to the bathroom to alleviate the stress on everyone else on the plane and after about 3-4 minutes of rocking her on the toilet, she fell asleep.  I brought her back out and she slept on me for the duration of the flight until we started to come down.  Then her poor little ears started hurting (we think) and she cried some more.  We finally landed in Anchorage and that meant "Resting Room".  We booked a room where they have reclining couches, computer and t.v.  in the airport terminal.  We were able to sleep/rest for about 5 hours.  Luckily Megan went right back to sleep on me until that dang alarm went off.  Anchorage has a 24 Hour Starbucks (YES!) so we made a stop there, got some breakfast munchies and coffee and went to the plane.  Megan was very restless waiting for the plane to take off and then fell asleep on me for awhile.  Then we had to stop again in a small town called Kotzebue ( which we are told is officially in the Arctic Circle.  After a "short" stop, we finally took off again to Nome.  Megan was pretty good on that leg and we finally made it to Nome, tired, jet lagged and with much higher blood pressure.


Danielle said...

I'm glad Megan utilized the Resting Room! (And that you all made it safely!)

Anonymous said...

How was the plane's bathroom??? he he I am sorry, that couldn't have been fun for any of you. I am glad you made it there safely.