Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday Natalie!

The friends that Megan and I met at Mom's Group are now all starting to turn 2 years old! Geez! How time flies. The first 2nd birthday we went to was for Natalie. They had it at a place called Pump it Up Junior. I had never heard of it but it's actually not far from our house. Megan had a lot of fun playing on the toys and seeing all of the kids. She's a social butterfly!
Megan LOVES the Little Tikes car! Whenever she sees one, she is drawn to it. I think she had more fun sitting and playing in the car than all of the blow up toys.
Natalie, the birthday girl!
Lunchtime! Megan was such a big girl to sit and eat her pizza and her Capri Sun and then cake and ice cream. She is getting so big, her birthday is right around the corner!


Danielle said...

Looks like fun! I wish I could have made it. Megan looks like such a big girl in the pictures, and Natalie looks more and more like her mom every day! Wow!

Anonymous said...

You are so freaking cute Megan!

Kelly said...

Ok she gets cuter everyday! I love the picture of her drinking the Capri Sun... her little hands are so cute.

Miss Whats-her-name said...

My niece is so beautiful! I love her so much.