Sunday, August 03, 2008

When in Nome....

So just in case you've never really paid attention to where Nome, Alaska is - I've provided a map!  It's 150 miles from Russia!  Nome was once a Gold Rush town with a lot of history and also the end of the Iditarod Race.  It is right on the coast of the Bering Sea and Karen and Vern tell us that the water that they see right from their back windows freezes over every year.  When it begins to melt it looks like huge icebergs in the water.  Josh has actually seen it during the winter and says it's pretty amazing.  In the winter it gets to about 25-40 degrees below zero.  Right now in August, it's been about 50.  We woke up yesterday and it was 35 degrees.  So we're all bundled up. Megan is in all day jammies doubling as long johns, Carhartts, hat and coat to keep her warm.
Here is a view from Front Street looking out onto the Bering Sea towards town.  
When we arrived, we definitely knew we were in a different place.  The airport terminal is a room about as big as our house, one baggage claim, one gate.  Then when it was time to get into the truck to go to Karen and Vern's house, Megan got to ride on Mommy's lap in the back seat.  Car seats are sort of optional here I guess.  So we've told her "What happens in Alaska stays in Alaska!"  Sort of like the below picture where Megan is drinking mommy's coffee. Just kidding, it's empty.


Danielle said...

All I can think of from your blog title is "Do as the Nomans do". Thanks. :o) I didn't realize where it was! Crazy. Hope you have a good time!

Anonymous said...

Wow, i hope you guys totally soak it up. It all looks so beautiful, new and exciting.
"i hope what happens in Alaska stays in Alaska!"
Billie :)